Business Technical Services Nigeria Limited is a limited liability company established in Nigeria. It is a wholly owned Nigerian company as 100% of its shares are being held by Nigerians. BTS Nigeria Limited provides comprehensive services in the areas of Comprehensive Pipeline Integrity Management Services, HCA Surveys, Industrial Coating Applications, Pipeline Maintenance and Repair, Vegetation Management, Atmospheric Corrosion Surveys, and other bridge maintenance and repair services.
Company Goals and Mission Statement
Business Technical Services Nigeria Limited corporate goal is to become one of the leading companies in the oil and gas sector with a strong and distinctive reputation for quality services on Pipeline Integrity Management Solutions.
This mission of being a truly international company has made our company to take advantage of changes in modern technology to constantly re-design our services to provide a fast, efficient and competitive service to the oil and gas sector of the economy.
Though a privately-owned company, Business Technical Services Nigeria Limited is an oil field services company with the ability of carrying out all major Pipeline maintenance works both offshore and onshore.
We come equipped with a Pipeline Integrity Management Division that ensures comprehensive management in accordance with NACE standard policies and practices, applicable state and federal regulations, and industry standards. One of such ways is via the utilization of ECDA 4 step process involving the integration and analysis of data from multiple surveys and field examinations with the pipeline’s physical characteristics and operating history.
Hence as mentioned, the scope of Our Services includes but is not limited to the following: –
1. Corrosion Monitoring and Comprehensive Pipeline Integrity Management Services
2. External Corrosion Direct Assessment ( ECDA)
3. Pre-Assessment: Collection, review and integration of data into organization’s standard procedures
4. Indirect Inspections: Pre-survey site inspections, Perform casing tests in accordance with test requirements, Locate anomalies and areas of corrosion concern, PCM, ACVG, DCVG, CIS, A-Frame
5. Direct Examination: Examine and evaluate pipe and coating anomalies, Data collection and field reports
6. High Consequence Area Field Surveys: Create High Consequence Area Field Survey maps, Navigate select pipeline corridors to collect identified sites (i.e. buildings, parks, etc) with sub-meter GPS equipment, Post-process the collected data.
7. Pipeline installation and repairs, pipe laying, burial and commissioning.
8. Industrial Coating Application: Application of high end industrial coating to above and below ground pipes and regulator stations
9. Abrasive Blasting: A variety of abrasive blasting materials are utilized such as grits to clean or texturized metal surfaces, Surface preparation utilizes mechanical methods such as: wire brushing, scraping, chipping, sanding and various hand tools
10. Other Utility Technical Support Services: Bridge maintenance and management, Atmospheric corrosion surveys (bridges, risers, meters, etc.), Underground water leak detection services, Master meter monitoring services, Vegetation management.
PHONE: (513) 842-9005
FAX: (513) 351-8565>
KM II Eleme Junction – Onne Road,
Opposite Bobby Filling Station,
East/West Road, Elelenwo,
Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
+2348099842101 [email protected]
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